Solar Panels In The UK

Solar Panels

One of the reasons people travel abroad for their holidays is the UK’s sun isn’t around all year round unlike some other countries around the world. People often think because of this that solar panels aren’t effective in this country which is actually incorrect. Solar power really only requires some level of sunshine to extract the sun’s energy meaning this is more than effective for most UK residential and commercial buildings.

Save money with Solar Panels…

Not only can this help you save money on your electric bills it also counts towards you lowering your carbon footprint and doing your bit to help slow climate change and help the environment.

As of 2019 installed capacity was over 13 gigawatt (GW), with the 72MW Shotwick Solar Farm being the largest in the UK. Annual generation was slightly under 13 TWh in 2018, somewhat under 4% of UK electricity consumption. Peak generation was less than 10GW. Solar PV panels have a capacity factor of around 10% in the UK climate.
– Wikipedia

Solar Panels

Total energy produced from solar panels in the UK is up year and year and helping the country produce clean renewable energy to power homes and businesses. While the sunniest parts of the UK receive much less solar radiation than the sunniest parts of Europe, the country’s insolation in the south is comparable with that of central European countries, including Germany, which generates about 7% of its electricity from solar power.

Solar panels can also be referred to as photovoltaics or solar PV by some companies are a great way to harness the power of the sun then transfer that into energy to use in our homes, with oil and gas prices rising year on year solar panelling is becoming a more affordable and environmentally friendly option to help power the UK.

The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) closed to new applications on 31 March 2022.

The information on this page is intended for reference only. If you have already successfully applied for an eligible installed system you are unaffected by the scheme’s closure.

The replacement grant is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme which you can read more about here.